
Monday 1 July 2013

The Danger of "Defending" Truth

Eliphaz makes a lot of what we might be inclined on the surface to call accurate assertions about God and how He seemingly relates to us. It's just that however, these do not paint the full picture; there are many unknown clauses - such as what was happening to Job. Therefore, his assertions are inaccurate. Everyone was about to learn something new. What a privilege that Job, his wife and his friends were the ones whom God chose to reveal this additional light to! It will totally change how they viewed things. Suffering isn't always retributive. Hence, make no assumptions about why things happen to people.

It's clear that the sensitivity with which Eliphaz started, with all his good intentions, has now waned, as he now feels that he needs to defend the "truth." One thing about truth is that because of its nature to cut deep, and radically upset the status-quo, attempts at "defending" it usually result in defenders hurting the "offenders." In this case it happens with Eliphaz and Job. Incidentally, it happened with Saul and the early Christians, and later during the Dark Ages. Of course, not to be outdone is the scene in Gethsemane where Peter, in defence of Christ the Truth, cuts off Malchus' ear. How often today do we tend to not just "cut off the ears," of those we should reach, so they are no longer interested in hearing the Word of God. Thank God Job knew better than to give up on God, notwithstanding his friends.

Mind you, it is possible that this heated discussion, though seemingly intensifying Job's suffering, could have taken his mind off his immediate physical suffering - thus engaging him in a major lesson on the true nature of God and of the Great Controversy.

However we may explain the occurrences here recorded, one thing is clear: Truth doesn't need to be defended; it should rather be our defence. Accordingly, patience and sensitivity, not arrogance and condescension should always be shown, as we seek to share its precious treasures.

This reading is based on Job 5.  To read and/or listen to this passage and read other related blogs, please click here.

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